#Hidden colors 3 us allies were full
Following is the full list of NATO member nations:Īpart from these allies, the US has made many friends throughout the world through strong economic and trade ties along with business partnerships. Invader, then the rest of the countries in the NATO should join in and declare Organization clearly states that is a nation of the pact is attacked by an The main allies of USA, as the regulations of the North Atlantic Treaty However, today, that definition goes with the allies, meaning that usually, anĪlly is a country that will support you during prosperous times and duringĭifficult times, such as war and terrorism.Īt from that perspective, then its correct to assume that NATO countries are His speeches that “a friend is a one who has the same enemies as you have”. Lincoln, the 16 th president of USA, once famously said during one of However, there is a visible line between the “friend” and the “enemy”, just as well as there is one between “the friend” and “the enemy”.
#Hidden colors 3 us allies were free
List Of Us AlliesĪs the foremost front runner of Democracy and Capitalism in the 21st century (after all, the USA is called the “home of the free and the land of the brave), the US government officially tries to maintain healthy and friendly relationships with democratic nations across the world.
In reality, the concept of ally or enemy is more complex and bound to time and changes over time. The map in this article shows which countries Americans consider their allies or enemy according to a poll conducted by YouGov. In this article, we are going to see who Americans consider their allies, friends, and enemies. Some historic enemies became god friends, and some old friends became worst enemies. however, the USA was never alone during their long walk to the top, and on the way made many friends and even worse enemies.
The United States of America has been on the road to becoming a global superpower since their independence in the 18th century and today is the unparalleled economic and military superpower.